Saturday, February 04, 2006

Can Cybercommunities Have Sacred/Spiritual Landmarks?

My identity, that is, who I am, comes out of the community(ies) of which I am a member. In a community that is grounded in an area in physical space, it is easy for me to declare that I am a member of that community when I live within that area, although I may never speak to anyone. One could argue that there can be or is something special about communities in physical space that currently or can never exist in cyberspace. For example, there may be a physical landmark within the geographic boundaries of the community that is a sacred/spiritual and historical place for a community, for example, a mountain. Consequently, it is of great value to the community and to any member of that community. If I were a member of that community, it would shape who I am. Its physical presence would be reflected in rituals and practices. My location in physical space would be in relation to that sacred/spiritual place. Where is or will be the sacred/spiritual in cyberspace?

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